Caracal Models CD72126 - 1/72 F-15 "ADTAC Eagles"

The F-15 Eagles of ADTAC (Air Defense - Tactical Air Command) during the 1980s wore some of the most colorful unit markings ever seen on the type. In this decal sheet, we provide markings for both single and twin-seat Eagles from all three ADTAC Eagle units in the continental US as well as the unique "FAST pack" equipped Eagles of the 57th FIS which was based at Keflavik, Iceland.

When applicable, alternative unit markings are provided so you can build your model with the 1st Air Force or ADTAC shields.

The options on this decal sheet are:

  • F-15A 76-0111, 318th FIS commander's aircraft
  • F-15A 76-0105, 318th FIS
  • F-15B 76-0139, 318th FIS
  • F-15A 76-0114, 48th FIS commander's aircraft
  • F-15A 76-0113, 48th FIS
  • F-15B 75-0086, 48th FIS
  • F-15A 76-0015, 5th FIS commander's aircraft
  • F-15A 76-0058, 5th FIS
  • F-15B 76-0128, 5th FIS
  • F-15C 80-0041, 57th FIS
  • F-15D 80-0057, 57th FIS

Period-accurate stencilling and national insignia to build any one of the options is included. This decal sheet was professionally screen printed by Cartograf in Italy.

We will start shipping this decal sheet on August 16, 2021.
You can preorder this decal sheet securely with your credit card or PayPal account now.

The price includes free US shipping. International shipping is only $10.00 extra. Texas residents pay 8.25% state sales tax.

Price: $13.99